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It’s nice to venture outside again as the cold, windy, wetness of the past couple of months gives way to increasing warmth and sunshine. Unfortunately, the ground is still pretty damp due to the recent rainfall (not to mention the melting snow), so Cindy takes the boys for a walk around the block. Naturally, when one goes for a walk, it’s good and proper to push a lawnmower.

All goes well until Alex decides to backtrack…

This Way and That

Caring for twins is sometimes like herding cats.

Okay, so I’m not complaining about the snow anymore!

I’ll take snow any day over ice and freezing rain!! This morning the driveway was pretty much a sheet of ice:

Ice Storm Ice Storm

and my truck was literally encased in it:

Ice Storm Ice Storm

Fortunately, the world famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, did NOT see his shadow this morning, which means we’re going to have an early Spring!

And statistically speaking, Phil has been right about 50% of the time, so you couldn’t do any better if you flipped a coin! 😉

it’s still cold here!


Last night it snowed a couple of inches; this morning I was up shoveling the drive at 5. We needed to be on-the-road by 6:15 for the boys 7:00 surgery appointment at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia–a minor procedure to place tubes in their ears.

The Boys in Preop

Once out of the neighborhood, the roads were in pretty good shape, and we arrived at the hospital a little early. Alex and Adam were the first patients of the day, so we went right in to pre-op and changed the boys into their little yellow hospital gowns. The little yellow booties, dubbed “Big Bird Feet” by the CHOP nurses, didn’t stay on too long, as neither Alex nor Adam took a fancy to them (we swapped ’em out for their own little socks).

After their vitals and a short conversation with the doctor and the anesthesiologist, the nurse gave them some “giggle juice” (Versed) to soften their anxiety over being taken by the nurse for the operating table. It did make them both a little loopy–Alex more so than Adam.

The procedure for both boys was over in about 15-minutes. We joined Alex in the recovery room. He still had the airway in and was sleeping soundly. Adam soon joined us, and was before long, awake and crying–likely due to the disorientation he was experiencing. I stayed with Alex while Mommy consoled Adam. Alex awoke soon after, but wasn’t as upset as Adam was–thankfully.

After the post-op instructions from the nurse, we dressed the boys and were heading home once again.

I can only imagine what it must be like for the boys–especially Alex–to actually be able to hear sounds without it sounding like they’re underwater.

whereas the sun breaking through the clouds paints the winter sky with a warm glow.


It’s the perfect time to shovel the driveway, which is of course, one of my favorite activities…ever! [ insert eye-roll here ]

Fortunately, Adam is coming down the drive to help me, although I don’t know how much help he’ll be without a shovel.

Shoveling the drive

Alex is not a big fan of the cold (much like his dad), preferring a practically snowless covered porch to the blanket of powdered water that is our front yard!


Adam doesn’t like his mittens, but he doesn’t like the chill on his fingers more!


Alex says bugger the chill because the only way to pick up a piece of ice is with a mitten-less hand…


…big surprise!

Snow in PA again

Jess and Kameran were supposed to fly out yesterday morning, but the weather (SNOW!) led to flight cancellations at Philadelphia International. So, their Christmas visit was extended a couple days. That’s okay, especially for Kameran who was looking forward to a white Christmas this year!

Snow Bunny…

Snow Bunny

A rather pouty Snow Bunny…


It’s Thanksgiving Day and it’s snowing in PA!

Snow in PA

That’s okay because I don’t have to drive in it! 🙂

The morning was uneventful. We drank coffee, watched the snow fall, and played throughout the house. When the boys went down for a nap, Cindy and I started on our Thanksgiving feast. I was in charge of the turkey, and Cindy was in charge of everything else (as it should be ;-)).

We fried a turkey this year (as we do most years), but this year I used my new oil-less turkey fryer. Fried TurkeySounds funny, I know. It uses infrared heat to cook the turkey. The only drawback is it takes about 10-minutes per pound, whereas the old-fashioned peanut oil will cook a bird in about 3-minutes per pound. Anyway, I was a little concerned beforehand, but was pleasantly surprised by the result. The turkey cooked very well and was very tasty!!

Wine For dinner we enjoyed a delicious Czech wine: Chateau Valtice Rulandské modré. It was a very delicate red wine, much like Pinot Noir, with a brick-red hue, and a scent of cherry and raspberry. This particular bottle was a gift from the owner of the hotel Cindy and I stayed in during our first trip to Zlín, Czech Republic in 2007.

We’d been saving it for a special occasion and decided to open it today!

So, with the table set, and the boys wearing their fancy shirts, we sat down to our Thanksgiving dinner:

Thanksgiving Dinner

Alex and Adam ate very well and seemed to really enjoy the different tastes and textures set before them (except for the cranberries…Alex thoroughly rejected them!). Everything was delicious and the boys were very well behaved. Of course, Adam had a bit of a meltdown when we wouldn’t give him any wine. (Hey! He had his own grape juice!!)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

We’re seeing record snowfall in PA and it gives the boys plenty of opportunity to experience the strange, white, soft, shifting blanket covering the once hard grassy landscape…

Adam, the adventurer, presses forward without much thought to the consequences.

Adam walks in the snow

Alex, on the other hand, remains skeptical, seemingly evaluating the pros and cons of venturing into the unknown, patiently awaiting a report from his brother.

Alex is skeptical

The report arrives quickly: It’s C-O-L-D!

Adam falls in the snowAdam falls in the snow

Alex, finally gives in to the temptation…and he’s off and running!

Alex in the snow

The verdict? Snow is fun!

Snow is fun

A late fall snowstorm dumped several inches of snow on our house Saturday and into the night. It was quite beautiful to watch and breathtaking the next morning with the sun shinning and a slight brisk wind blowing…

It’s been 15 years since we’ve had a White Christmas!

Snow in PA

Snow in PASnow in PA

Of course, I also got the opportunity to shovel snow for the first time in about 15 years…and you know what?

Snow in PASnow in PA

It still sucks! 😉